Environmental Policy


The earth’s climate is predicted to change because human activities are altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases primarily carbon dioxide methane, and nitrous oxide. The heat-trapping property of these gases is undisputed. Although uncertainty exists about exactly how earth’s climate responds to these gases, global temperatures are rising.

Environmental problems have become so complex that many individuals feel they can have no effects on them. Problem like oil spills, hazardous waste loss of rain forests, endangered species, acid rain, the ozone layer, and the municipal waste crisis can feel out of our control. At the very least, these problems require group and corporate action or Government intervention.

However there are some things the individual can control. Waste reduction and recycling activities can make a difference.

The Benefits of Recycling:
  • Recycling feels good
  • Recycling Saves Natural Resources Recycling Saves Energy
  • Recycling Saves our Environment
  • Recycling Saves Disposal Capacity and Costs
  • Recycling is good Business
FIDI has already taken very positive steps to encourage its member to adopt measure that will help in protecting the environment and safe guarding our natural resources. We support FIDI’s initiatives and will promote this policy in the following ways:-
  • Encourage our Customer to accept recycled and reusable packing materials wherever possible.
  • Buy products or use alternatives that are less toxic or, preferably, non-toxic to get the job done.
  • Promote use of biodegradable materials.
  • Wherever possible, encourage customers to loose load shipment into shipping line container instead of using wooden lift vans, thereby saving our forest, a very important natural resources.
  • Encourage all employees to actively promote environmental friendly habits within the office, their home and communities.
  • Save power fuel, water and other resources by promoting proper usage and maintenance of office and warehouse equipment, vehicles etc.
  • Combat paper wastage & recycle waste paper by shredding & reusing as packing material.
  • Ensure proper disposal of debris and waste, in accordance with the best practices.

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