Data Protection & Privacy Policy


To ensure that personal information is rightfully collected, used, retained, disclosed, and disposed of in conformity with local laws and regulations, safeguarding the privacy of employees,customers, and other stakeholders.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party service providers who handle personal information on behalf of Star Worldwide Group.


  1. All Employees: Responsible for complying with this Data Privacy and Protection Policy. Star Worldwide Group is accountable for data protection and will address any breaches of policy or violations.
  2. Department Heads: Responsible for communicating this policy to all staff and stakeholders, ensuring full awareness and compliance.
  3. Marketing Team: Responsible for communicating changes to privacy policy to all stakeholders.
  4. Service Providers: Responsible for complying with this Data Privacy and Protection Policy.

Information will only be collected in direct connection with moving services being provided. Employees, customers and suppliers will be informed of the above through the privacy notice available on our website and accessible to all. In some cases this will also be communicated via email/letter.


Personal data of a Customer is only collected for the purpose of moving services. Personal data comprises of Name, email and home address, contact details, date of birth, passport copy.

Choice & Consent

Choices are available to the individual i.e. customer, corporate account, suppliers/service providers that communicate personal information. We obtain their implicit consent for the collection and use of their personal informationand have advised all parties that this must be complied with in order to work with SWG.

Use Retention and Disposal

Data will only be used during the activity of the move. Archived Data will be stored for as long as necessary to fulfil the stated purposes or as required by law and thereafter the data is deleted and any hard copies disposed of through secure shredding.


For all individuals as referred to above access to data is strictly controlled by SWG and any changes would be notified by email, or in writing with data being updated by the file coordinator or manager involved in the area concerned.

Disclosure to Third Parties

Information is only shared on a need-to-know basis and is strictly limited to services being provided. No information will be shared with unauthorized parties.

Security for Privacy

SWG runs up to date anti-virus software, in addition all individual user logins’ are password protected to ensure that within the company information is only shared on a need to know basis. The physical security of the office is also limited by manned security and ID cards access and the same for the warehouse.


The data stored is accurate, complete and relevant for business purposes.

Monitoring & Enforcement

If any individual notices a breach of privacy they should immediately notify the CFO, Avinna Vivek at Corrective action would be taken to ensure the security of data; further action could also involve reviewing access or termination of a user/supplier.

Any breach and action would be escalated to senior management within 24 hours. We regularly communicate our procedures to internal staff and warehouse staff and ensure their awareness is up date and they are compliant. All employees will receive training on this policy and must sign an acknowledgment form confirming they have read, understood, and will comply with the policy. Customer feedback also provides an opportunity for communicating any breach of privacy. The procedure will be reviewed annually and any changes communicated to all stakeholders by the Marketing team and Department Heads.

The policy is available on the company website and a link of the policy is placed in the email signatures of all employees to share the policy with clients, subcontractors, external suppliers and other parties.

Last Review Date – August 2024

Next Review Date – August 2025

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